Happy New Year! As the sun has set on 2021, there are many components to the CTAC program that were implemented last year. Between the launch of our website and social media accounts, the presentations conducted to groups across the state, and the partnerships formed with businesses and other organizations, there are many things to be proud of. Most importantly, we reached out to over 1900 companies throughout the state with our “Become a Client” campaign. Those are just a few of the many strides made for CTAC. Be on the lookout for more information about the progress made on the CTAC program in our 2021 Annual Report that will be available in the upcoming weeks.
As we look at goals for 2022, there are many exciting things that we will be rolling out throughout the year. This year we will be implementing our CTAC Advisory Committee, launching our client portal, and continuing our outreach to small businesses in the state (just to name a few). We are excited for this new year and will continue to work with small businesses throughout the state in our continued efforts to support small businesses in securing contracts on coastal projects. As with each sunrise brings new beginnings; we are looking forward to what the new year will bring to CTAC as well!